Green plant on my office desk 9:25 PM

I was forced to keep a green plant bought by my team lead (Chin Won Kuen). she bought the plant from Jusco (as u can see clearly from the picture) costed RM3.88 but needs to pay RM10.00 to the team fund if the plant dies. what i need to do is to water the plant every week. im not sure if the plant can survive within a year.

where i need to put it? next to the monitor. reason? if my eyes get tired, i can stare to the plant for a few seconds and get back to work. reasonable enough?

if the plant getting bigger and bigger, do we need to change the vase?


RiaNa said...

apa susah..buat cam akak..agak rase dah nak kena tukar pasu tu..hantar je kat mak..suh dia setelkan the rest..kui kui kui...

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